The Lure of Old Maps

An author of historical fiction must perform research to understand the time period. I love to research and often must time-box my efforts, lest I get lost in the research and never write anything! One thing I consult, and enjoy, is a map from the era. I’ve always enjoyed looking at maps. Years ago, I […]

Fascinating history of women’s property rights

I have been researching the 1850s for new stories. I wanted a character who was an unmarried woman, interested in the early women’s right movement, living in Boston and independently wealthy. In our current time period, such a character is very plausible and could gain wealth in different ways. She could inherit, of course, make

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Winter Newsletter Releases Today With Sci-Fi Flash Fiction

My winter newsletter featuring a science fiction short story releases today. Comment below on your thoughts! I’ve mulled a story idea involving the discovery of extra-terrestrial life for some time. So many possibilities exist. Advanced, intelligent aliens are the usual theme. But what about a world with animal life as intelligent are Earth’s critters, but

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NaNoWriMo? Do You Need Coffee?

Does a writer friend talks about NaNoWriMo, or the shortened version NaNo? Worried they are spouting lines from an ancient Mark and Mindy episode? Or you may suspect he or she is sleep deprived and jumbling words. Possible, but not the reason these mysterious terms are uttered.  NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. A nonprofit organization by that

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