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The Lure of Old Maps

An author of historical fiction must perform research to understand the time period. I love to research and often must time-box my efforts, lest I get lost in the research and never write anything! One thing I consult, and enjoy, is a map from the era. I’ve always enjoyed looking at maps. Years ago, I […]


Fascinating history of women’s property rights

I have been researching the 1850s for new stories. I wanted a character who was an unmarried woman, interested in the early women’s right movement, living in Boston and independently wealthy. In our current time period, such a character is very plausible and could gain wealth in different ways. She could inherit, of course, make […]


March newsletter to feature a story by Mary Kay Moody

I’m excited to announce my March newsletter will feature a short story by a fellow American Christian Fiction Writers member, Mary Kay Moody. Mary was a 2023 Finalist in the ACFW Genesis Contest for unpublished writers. I think you will enjoy her story “The Night Visitors.” Offering her story is part of my goal to […]